

普段使用して頂いてるお客様、これから使用して頂くお客様に知っていただきたい、豊富なペット商品を作り出してきたファミリー会社”Ferplast ”のその歴史!

About us

弊社は、責任感とクリエイティブなアイデア、革新的なデザインと発展を元に創り上げられました。 ferplast社の冒険の始まりはプラスチックでコーティングされたワイヤーを使いハンター用の鳥かごを作ったことがきっかけとなり、 弊社はお客様とお客様のペットのニーズに合った最適な会社となったのです。

"This is a story built on commitment, ideas, innovative design and evolution. It began with a bird cage and has reached the new pet generation. The story of a company in perfect harmony with the needs of their customers,namely pets" Our adventure begins. We make birdcages for hunters’ purposes in plastic coated wire.



・Items for the comfort of all kind of pets produced in our plants


・Items for the comfort of all kind of pets produced in our plants


・Commercial branches


・Export countries


・International patents

1966年 ”当時、誰もがこの商品の存在を信じなかった”

“At that time nobody believed in this product”

正式にはファープラスト会社は 1966年にdi Arzignano"と呼ばれており、プライベートハウスにある中庭の50㎡ほどを部屋として使用していた。私にはとても大事な妹がいて将来彼女がこの会社の重要人物となる。誰もプラスチックでコーティングされた鉄の鳥かごに未来があると信じてはいなかった、もし誰かが私に何を作っていたか尋ねたらワイヤーメッシュと答える。なぜなら私が鳥かごを作っていると言ったら彼らは私を笑うからだ。
私はまだ若かった頃、普通の子供なら誰しもが思う弁護士や医師、もしくはパイロットではなく、何かを創り上げる職人になりたいと思っていた。最終的にはベネチア地域の他の多くの企業と同じように小さな作業場と小さな家で10人程の従業員を持つのだと思っていたから当時の私の目標は今のFerplast ほど偉大なものではなかった。

Officially, the Ferplast Company came into being in the hamlet called Costo di Arzignano in 1966, in a room of only 50 sq m and was located in a courtyard shared with private homes. By my side was my sister, very precious to me, who would in the future cover very important positions in the Company. Nobody believed that plastic-coated iron birdcages could ever have a future, and if anyone asked me what I was making I would tell them that I was making wire mesh. If I said I was making birdcages they would just laugh. Not even when I was very young did I think that I would become a lawyer, or a doctor, or an airline pilot. I wanted to be a craftsman: I wanted to make something. I thought that eventually I would have a small workshop with a small house and perhaps 10 employees just like many other entrepreneurs around the Venetian region. My goals back then were nothing as grand as Ferplast is today.

今日 Today


We are an Italian Family-Company succeeding in the difficult world of globalization. We are found of high-quality products; therefore we follow every step of the production cycle, from the idea to its realization. We invest in Research and Innovation to offer our customers the most advanced solutions for a full, gratifying and responsible relationship between man and his pet.