普段使用して頂いているお客様、これから使用して頂くお客様に知っていただきたい、”Signature7” 愛猫の体を想うあなたに7日間の健康バランスが取れる献立!
What is Signature7?
Signature7は、猫が毎日必要とする最高の栄養を簡単にとれる週7日間の食事プランを提供することを専門としています。さまざまな食欲をそそるフレーバーに鶏肉、サバ、白身マグロ、エビ、カボチャなどの高品質のタンパク質の完璧な組み合わせを提供しています。 毎週の食事プランでは、猫が100%完全に食事を摂り、毎日の食事と多様性のバランスが取れるように、さまざまなフレーバーを配合しています。
Signature7 specializes in providing your cats with the best nutritional needs they require daily, 7 days a week with an easy to follow weekly meal plan. We offer a range of tantalizing flavours that includes the perfect combination of quality protein like chicken, mackerel, whitemeat tuna, shrimp, pumpkin and many more. We formulate a wide range of flavours in our weekly meal plan to ensure your cats get a 100% complete and balance diet daily with variety. For almost a decade, our team have been crafting and perfecting new recipes for cats. We commit to maintaining the highest standards in quality, nutrition and food safety because we care for your cats. We want to make sure they get the best they need.
How it started?
Signature7 is created because we want to feed our cats well to keep them happy and healthy.From our experience, we have seen that many cats do not get the balance or complete meal that they deserve. Many cats are feeding on either too much fillers, too much carbohydrates or too much meal derivatives. An abundance of any above ingredients can disturb the digestion of your cats and bringing harm to your cats in the long run.
このため、私たちはあなたの猫のために最高品質のレシピを作り上げました。 私たちの食品は、適切な高品質の成分、適切な栄養価を持ち、猫に適切な天然のビタミンとミネラルを提供するように処方されています。 Signature7はすべてあなたの猫の世話をすることであり、私たちはあなたの愛する猫のために最高のプレミアム品質の食べ物だけを提供します。
A 100% complete and balance diet matters for your cats! For this reason, we have crafted premium quality recipes for your cats. Our food is formulated to have the right high-quality ingredients, right nutritional values and providing the right natural vitamins and minerals for your cats.Signature7 is all about caring for your cats and we offer only the best premium quality food for your beloved feline.

Signature7は、常に最高水準の品質を保証してきました。 さらに、生産と品質管理において厳格な基準を維持していることも確認しています。プレミアム品質のキャットフードの独自性を見てみましょう。
Signature7 has always ensured the highest standards of quality in our ingredients. Additionally, we have also made sure that we maintain strict standards in our production and quality control. Let us have a look at the uniqueness of our premium quality cat food.
一番の材料はリアルミートです – #1 ingredient is REAL MEAT
私たちはあなたの猫にリアルミートを与え、私たちのレシピで最も比率の高いものはリアルミートです。 猫は肉食動物であり、毎日の食事に肉が必要であることを私たちは知っています。
We feed REAL MEAT to your cats and has one of the highest real meat ratios in our recipes. We know that cats are carnivores and need meat in their daily diet.
100%完璧でバランスの取れた食事 – 100% Complete and Balanced Diet
All our cat food is formulated to meet the full nutritional requirements for your cat’s meal for a 100% complete and balanced diet. Many other products out there DO NOT meet the nutritional values and can only be considered a snack or a treat.
私たちのレシピは、米国飼料検査官協会(AAFCO)の基準を満たすように作られています。 AAFCOは、ペットフードが安全な種の使用を目的に保証する非営利団体の組織です。
Our recipes are formulated to meet the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) standards. AAFCO is a non-profit organization that ensure that the pet food is safe for it’s intended use for the intended species.
タンパク質 – Protein
私たちのキャットフードは高品質のタンパク質が豊富で、適切な比率のタンパク質を含んでいます。 これは、全体的な健康を維持しながら、肉を待ち望んでいる猫を満足させます。
Our cat food is rich in quality protein and have the right ratio of protein. This satisfy your cats craving for meat, while maintaining their overall health.
天然のビタミンとミネラル – Natural Vitamins and Minerals
Our cat food is antioxidant rich with vitamins E and C, along with essential vitamins like A, B and D. It also contains minerals such as Zinc, Phosphorous, Calcium and Taurine for supporting your cat’s immune system.
脂肪 – Fats
Our premium quality cat food has the right amount of healthy fats that is essential to providing energy and maintaining healthy skin.
What's in our food?
As much as we love our pets, sometimes we cannot decide how and what we are going to feed them. We must remember that the digestive system of a cat is far different from the digestive workings of other animals. Therefore, it is imperative to come up with something that is packed with nutritious value for our beloved pets.
100%完璧でバランスの取れた食事は、ペットが適切な栄養を摂取し、免疫システムを改善するのに役立つための猫への贈り物です。 私たちは、レシピに人工成分、または穀物を使用しないこと。 それに加えて、猫の全体的な健康状態を向上させるために、1日に異なるサプリメントが含まれています。
A 100% complete and balanced diet is a gift to your cat because it can help your pet achieve proper nutrition and improve their immune system. We believe in using not using artificial ingredients, pork/lard or grains in our recipes. On top of that, we have included a different supplement a day to enhance your cat’s overall well-being.
私たちはペット飼い主のためにも考えています。 猫に可能な限り最善の方法で餌を与えるために、月曜日から日曜日までのわかりやすい食事ガイドを作成しました。
We have something for the pet owners as well. We have crafted easy-to-follow Monday to Sunday feeding guides for you to feed your cats in the best way possible.